Datavore helps analysts test data sources from a range of vendors. It was acquired in 2019 and is used for financial and consumer trend analysis.
Using Datavore, analysts can connect to data marketplaces, blend time-series data, and analyze it to discover emerging trends. Chart filtering and pinning enable analysts to sift through very large workbooks and revisit what matters most—which was key to Datavore's acquisition.
Rapid discovery, rapid filtering
Good time-series analysis requires creating and modifying lots of charts. This results in massive workbooks for analysts. Rapid filtering allows analysts to filter faster than they can create.
Users can easily combine filters using combination operators and get real-time interactive results.
Clear descriptions in the filter menu help users orient themselves and quickly build the filter they need.
Pin charts for quick access
Users can pin charts and filter out unpinned charts for focused presentation.
Kingpin previews
The first pin arranged in users workbook will display as the preview for their workbook—bubbling up their most important chart to their homepage.